• May 13, 2024

How Weather Can Affect Your Garage Door and What to Do About It – Team Taylor Doors

As a homeowner who has experienced the impact of weather on my garage door firsthand, I understand the importance of being proactive in protecting this essential entryway to my home. Weather, whether it’s extreme heat, freezing cold, heavy rain, or high winds, can take a toll on garage doors, leading to issues such as damage, malfunction, and reduced lifespan. Through my own experiences and research, I’ve learned valuable insights into how weather can affect garage doors and discovered effective strategies to mitigate these effects.

In this article, I’ll share my journey and offer practical advice on what homeowners can do to safeguard their garage doors against the elements based from Garage Door Repair.

Understanding How Weather Can Affect Your Garage Door

  1. Extreme Temperatures:
    • Heat: Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can cause expansion of the metal components of the garage door, leading to warping, bending, or misalignment. This can result in difficulty opening and closing the door smoothly.
    • Cold: Freezing temperatures can cause the metal components of the garage door to contract, resulting in stiffness and reduced flexibility. Cold weather may also cause lubricants to thicken, impeding the operation of the door mechanism.
  2. Moisture:
    • Rain: Excessive moisture from rain can lead to rust and corrosion of metal components, particularly if the garage door is not properly sealed or if there are existing vulnerabilities in the surface.
    • Snow and Ice: Accumulation of snow and ice on the garage door can add weight and strain to the mechanism, potentially causing it to become misaligned or malfunction.
  3. Wind:
    • High Winds: Strong winds can exert significant force on the garage door, especially if it is not properly reinforced or secured. This can lead to bending or damage to the panels, tracks, or hardware.
  4. Sun Exposure:
    • UV Damage: Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause fading, cracking, or warping of garage door materials, particularly wood and certain types of plastics. UV radiation can also degrade paint or finishes, leading to deterioration of the door’s appearance.

Strategies to Protect Your Garage Door from the Weather

  1. Regular Maintenance:
    • Inspect and Clean: Conduct regular inspections of your garage door to check for signs of damage, wear, or deterioration. Clean the door and its components regularly to remove dirt, debris, and moisture that can contribute to corrosion or malfunction.
  2. Weatherproofing:
    • Seal Gaps and Cracks: Ensure that the garage door is properly sealed to prevent water infiltration and air leaks. Seal gaps and cracks with weatherstripping or caulking to create a barrier against moisture and drafts.
    • Install a Threshold Seal: Consider installing a threshold seal along the bottom of the garage door to prevent water, snow, and debris from entering the garage. This can help protect the door and its mechanism from damage caused by moisture and buildup.
  3. Lubrication:
    • Use a High-Quality Lubricant: Apply a silicone-based lubricant to the moving parts of the garage door mechanism to keep them operating smoothly, even in extreme temperatures. Lubrication helps reduce friction and wear, prolonging the lifespan of the door.
  4. Reinforcement:
    • Upgrade Hardware: Consider upgrading the hardware of your garage door, such as hinges, rollers, and tracks, to more durable and weather-resistant materials. Reinforced hardware can withstand the strain of high winds and heavy precipitation.
  5. Protection from Sun Damage:
    • Apply UV-Resistant Finishes: If you have a wood garage door or one with a painted finish, apply UV-resistant sealants or coatings to protect against sun damage. This helps preserve the appearance and integrity of the door’s surface.
  6. Professional Inspection and Repair:
    • Schedule Regular Inspections: Hire a professional garage door technician to conduct periodic inspections of your garage door system. They can identify potential issues early on and recommend appropriate repairs or maintenance to prevent weather-related damage.


Overall, according to Garage Door Repair, weather can have a significant impact on the performance, appearance, and longevity of your garage door. From extreme temperatures to moisture, wind, and sun exposure, various weather conditions can contribute to damage, malfunction, and deterioration. By understanding how weather affects garage doors and implementing proactive measures to protect against these effects, homeowners can maintain the functionality and integrity of their garage door systems for years to come. Whether through regular maintenance, weatherproofing, lubrication, reinforcement, or professional inspection and repair, taking steps to safeguard your garage door from the weather is an investment in the safety, security, and value of your home.

Team Taylor Doors

210 SW Market St Suite 144, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063, United States
